Savi Clothing |

Scoil Chiarain Naofa School Nametags (iron-on)


Nametags come with child’s name printed on each label.

Enter Student’s name to appear on the labels at the Checkout Page.


SKU: SNSNTGS Category:


Instructions for Application

Set your iron to COTTON – NO STEAM
(Wait until iron gets hot)
Apply labels to CLEAN, thoroughly DRY garments.
(Labels applied to soiled or damp garments will not adhere properly)
Place label on garment in the desired position.
FIRMLY press the heated iron on top of the labels for 10-15 seconds. Do not move the iron around.
For delicate items use a thin pressing cloth.
Allow garment and label to cool to room temperature then try to peel the label off with your fingernail.
If, when you are peeling and some of the label comes away, re-apply it, following the steps above, using more pressure.

Do not apply to any items which may burn or melt using a hot iron.